Or at least that's how it feels! I've had my website for around 12 years and only really used it as a portfolio of my 3d fabric sculptures and later on, my embroidery. I was looking for a video for one of my facebook followers the other day and just couldn't find it, it had slipped into the darkness where all of my videos seem to disappear to on that platform. Any attempt at putting them into playlists on there is successful but then I can't find the playlist!

This is why I decided to revamp my website and start a more organised system for my videos and patterns. And that is why my brain is fried. I used to do this for a living back in the late 90s and it is only just starting to come back to me.
The plan is to have dedicated sections to getting started, stitch guides, tips, free stuff and my recommendations for equipment and books. And these will grow as I create more content. I know there are MANY sites like this out there but I have created this more as an extension of my Social Media platforms, so when someone asks about a specific thing, I don't have trawl through those accounts, I can just send them here! Preferably with a link to the actual video itself.

Anyway! If you haven't already signed up for my newsletter, please do! I promise not to bug you too much and I will try to make them entertaining and useful!